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"Hot" Chocolate

"Hot" Chocolate

Raw Cashews, Raw Cacao, Sea Salt, Cayenne, Agave, Purified H20
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It might be served cold, but you'll feel the heat after drinking this cayenne-infused chocolate mylk. Combining the antioxidants of raw cacao, the circulatory system boost and flu fighting found in cayenne peppers, and the protein inherent in all our nut-based mylks, our Hot Chocolate will keep you nourished through the coldest winter nights and hottest summer days.

14 Carrots

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Although it's actually more of an orange color, this carrot concoction is worth its weight in gold. That orange actually signifies the presence of beta-carotene, which is essential to eye and bone health as well as protecting the body against toxins. 14 Carrots can also help alleviate symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions such as asthma and arthritis.

14 juices per week

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15% Off + Free delivery (Two Deliveries per Week): $107/week
If you can't get through the day without a Project: Juice pick-me-up, we've got you covered. This package will give you at least 2 juices a day! We'll even deliver it to you twice a week. Receive 8 juices on Monday and 6 juices on Wednesday.

21 juices per week

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20% Off + Free Delivery (Two Deliveries per Week): $151/week
Serious juice-a-holics, now you can order enough juices to have three every day of the month! Keep yourself in tip-top shape, and get a serious boost to your creativity, energy, and productivity. We'll even deliver it to you twice a week. Receive 12 juices on Monday and 9 juices on Wednesday.
Advanced - Forever Young

Advanced - Forever Young

1 Day
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It's a full time job, monitoring what goes into your body, but someone has to do it. Eight glasses of water per day? Puh-lease. Try nine. You run four miles a day_as a warm-up routine. The Forever Young cleanse is an exceptional cleanse for exceptional people (and almost certainly ones who have already cleansed before). Consisting almost entirely of green juices, this ain't your grandma's cleanse; it's a deep-sea diving expedition to the worst parts of your body. Show your body who's boss. Together, we can turn you into a juice-powered machine.

Almond Mylk

Almond Mylk

Raw Almonds, Sea Salt, Vanilla Bean, Dates, Purified H20
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No cholesterol, no lactose, and its vegan friendly. Yes, its Almond Mylk,  a specially formulated beverage that provides all the protein your body needs while you're on a juice cleanse (or even when you aren't). That ol' white drink is officially passe.
Beginner - Can You Kick It?

Beginner - Can You Kick It?

1 Day
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Yes, you can! Everyone's body could use a break once in awhile, but yours more than most. This cleanse, the introductory level, is for those who like to binge on their health like it's just another one of their vices. For those who have never cleansed before or for those who did but then went back to old habits, well, this is the plan for you.

Can't get enough juice? Join the club!

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It doesn't come with any cool membership card or pool privileges, unfortunately, but we're making it even easier for you to enjoy your favorite juices and feel good about what you're putting in your body. You can now schedule automatic deliveries of our juices and save some dough at the same time.

Go ahead and choose what quantity of juice you want each month, and welcome to the Project: Juice Club. Secret handshakes optional.

Note: The Project: Juice Club requires a minimum three-month commitment.

6-12 juices a week - 10% off

12- 24 juices a week - 15% off

24-48 juices a week - 20% off
Cooler Bag

Cooler Bag

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Cyber Table Lamp

Cyber Table Lamp

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Perfect for any small space. The Cyber table lamp is constructed of chrome. 40w max bulb is included. Comes in white, black or chrome finishes. It's UL approved.


Pineapple, Green Apple, Mojito Mint
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All of our juices have some element of detoxification to them, but the combination of raw pineapple and mint contained in D-Tox makes it the best of them all. Pineapple also adds bromelain into the mix, which helps fight arthritis and cancer. Refreshing and healthy.
Defense Pack

Defense Pack

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Give your immune system a much needed kick in the rear end. Featuring organic oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, this pack is chock full o’ antioxidants which work to fight free radicals and inflammation. Cayenne, also featured in all three drinks, improves circulation and boosts metabolic functions.

Dr. Green

Dr. Green

Kale, Spinach, Romaine, Parsley, Celery, Cucumber
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He may not be able to diagnose that weird cough you've had lately, but Dr. Green is here to look out for your health anyway. This combination of green vegetables is going to boost your energy and clean out those toxins, stat!
Dr. Green Plus

Dr. Green Plus

Kale, Spinach, Romaine, Parsley, Celery, Cucumber, Lemon, Sea Salt
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Fans of our Dr. Green drink, rejoice! We've added the alkalizing effects of lemon, ensuring that once our classic greens mixture clears those toxins from your body they'll have a much harder time coming back. We've also added a dash of salt, helping maintain your sodium levels during a cleanse and cleanse potassium and other waste from your body.


Green Apple, Kale, Spinach, Romaine, Parsley, Celery, Cucumber
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For those of you who haven't learned to love Dr. Green yet, now there's an easier way to get the same health benefits with a milder taste. Our EZ-Green formula adds the natural sweetening power of green apples to help you get those nutrients down.
EZ-Green Plus

EZ-Green Plus

Green Apple, Kale, Spinach, Romaine, Parsley, Celery, Cucumber, Lemon, Ginger
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As Kermit the Frog is fond of saying, "It's not easy being green." Still, we're trying to make it easier every day. This time around, we've added alkalizing lemons and antioxidant-rich ginger to the mix, keeping the drink healthy while also making it easier on the taste buds for those who have yet to acquire the Dr. Green addiction.
Get Up and Go-Go

Get Up and Go-Go

Cold-Brew Coffee, Raw Almonds, Dates, Sea Salt, Vanilla Bean, Purified H20
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Named after one of our Project: Juice fans, Margo, our cold-brewed coffee recipe is up to 67% less acidic than your everyday pot of coffee. As if that weren't enough, it also contains the health benefits of our delicious Almond Mylk. If you can't shake that caffeine craving, at least we can provide you with a healthier source. Warning: these are highly addictive!
Green Pack

Green Pack

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This is our healthiest juice pack, full of the antioxidants, alkalizing agents, and energy-boosting vitamins that you'd expect from each bottle of green juice. If you want to obtain some of the health benefits of our Forever Young cleanse without the commitment that entails, get this pack instead.



Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon, Ginger, Cayenne
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Getting sick can put a serious damper on your lifestyle. Our Immunity recipe is liquid Vitamin C culled from three different citrus sources, all of which are proven to strengthen the immune system. If you're starting to feel under the weather, or just want to play it safe, drink a bottle of Immunity (or six!).
Intermediate - Stuck in the Middle

Intermediate - Stuck in the Middle

1 Day
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Binges to the left of me, health nuts to the right, here I am: stuck in the middle with juice. Our second-tier (and most popular) cleanse is for those of you who have either cleansed before or are looking for a bit more of a challenge on your first cleanse. It's not that we don't believe in you, but this cleanse has more green juice included. If you're on the fence or you eat a lot of veggies, give it a shot...we promise you won't be disappointed.